
New FEDER-CPER IT2MP Cluster for distributed computing on large graphs

Thanks to the funding of CPER IT2MP, including FEDER contribution, a new cluster called Grappe has been installed in the Grid5K environment on 16 October 2020. Grappe has been configured to allow efficient computation on large distributed graphs. In brief, it is composed of 16 nodes (PowerEdge R640), each carrying 2 CPUs with 20 cores, 96GB memory, 480GB SDD and 8TB HDD. We are grateful to the above-mentioned financial support and to the engineers of the Grid’5000 technical team for the successful installation of Grappe.

New storage facility for the MBI-DS4H platform thanks to FEDER-CPER IT2MP funding

On 4 september 2020, a new machine has been installed on the platform to facilitate the secured storage and access to data files. The machine (PowerEdge R740XD2) is called mbi-storage and is equipped with 12 Hard Drives Hot Plug 12To NL-SAS 12Gbit/s 512e 7200tr/min 3,5″. We acknowledge the CPER IT2MP funding, including the FEDER contribution and the help of our engineers Patrice Ringot and Jonathan Alcuta for taking care of the configuration and installation of this server.

Global presentation of the platform material architecture

  • The MBI Slurm Cluster is composed of 8 nodes, a frontend and 2 NFS server (2x96TB +1x26TB)
  • Alternatively, team members  can use Grid’5000 High-Performance computing facilities at the LORIA
  • An hypervisor (rosalind) is dedicated to applications development on virtual machines
  • Another hypervisor (psdv) hosts the platform applications (publicly accessible or access controlled)

Sharing resources

Since 2011 the MBI platform is part of the North-East (NE) node of the French RENABI Network of Bioinformatics Platforms, together with the Lille, Strasbourg, and Reims bioinformatics platforms, under the coordination of Dr. Maude Pupin in Lille.
Since 2013 the MBI platform and the NE node of the French RENABI network are members of the French Institute of Bioinformatics.
The MBI platform’s manager is Dr. Marie-Dominique Devignes, member of the CAPSID team at the Loria since january 2015. The platform operating committee is composed of Loria main users of the platform.
Most external users of the platform are partners involved in multi-disciplinary projects with Loria computer scientists. All external users need to request an account for using the computing resources of the MBI platform.