The MBI platform (Modeling of Biomolecules and their Interactions) was built thanks to the MBI CPER project between 2006 and 2014. It is currently funded by the CPER ITM2P Innovations Technologiques Modélisation et Médecine Personnalisée (2015-2020). It participates in the French network of bioinformatics platforms at the French Institute for Bioinformatics (IFB).
For Inria, it has the status of a research platform in computer science applied to structural bioinformatics at the Research Center Nancy Grand-Est. It is also part of the broader research platform « Science des Données pour la Santé » at the Loria (CNRS, Lorraine University). As a research platform, the MBI platform provides support in terms of tools, expertise and computing resources, to interdisciplinary collaborative research projects involving partners outside the Inria/Loria laboratory.
Visit this website to discover original tools and resources developed at Inria/Loria in the field of structural and functional bioinformatics.
Numerous new projects are underway to enrich the platform’s proposals.